
Showing posts from December, 2022

6 Examples Of Backlinks

California could decriminalize psychedelics under new bill Los Angeles Times This scheduling effectively censored research on psychedelics for over 40 years and only in the past decade have attempts been made to reverse this . Scherf and Angenstein simultaneously measured generated field EPSPs and BOLD response in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus during electrical stimulation of the contralateral CA3 region. Consecutive stimulations with low-intensity stimulation trains resulted in clear postsynaptic responses of CA1 pyramidal cells, but no significant BOLD response. No positive correlation was found between the electrophysiologic parameters of CA1 pyramidal cell activity and the BOLD response. Consequently, postsynaptic activity of pyramidal cells, the most abundant neurons in the CA1, is not directly linked to the measured BOLD response. Szabo recently proposed that the psychedelic tryptamines N,N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT may have immunomodulatory effects mediated through the σ-1 rec